Tuesday, November 09, 2004

A Girl's Worst Nightmare

In regard to seeing a woman for a second "date", a friend of mine received the following email:

To: Girl
From: Crazy Man

My suggestion was going to be that we both take turns on being inspected as if one were the other's property. Thereby: You would sit in regal splendor and tell me precisely what to do. To remove my clothes item by item and then stand or kneel or crawl, as you wished to see me, and then be subjected to a thorough examination, while naked. You would explore every nook and cranny, make criticisms and offer praise where warranted. For the period of time I was naked I would be your supplicant and you could, quite reasonable, do anything you wanted with me. The only caveat of course is that once you were done with me I would put on my clothes and my boots and sit down where you had been sitting and it would be your turn to undress, be examined as if you were my property, and have to suffer whatever you had made me suffer, nude.

Those, young lady, would be my further instructions.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This man must have had some in the closet military father. Let's play "inspection"? What the hell is that? That's about as horrendous as picking another's pimples or ears or belly button lint. Bet he also likes his sandwiches cut into triangles with the crusts cut off and the smell of White Shoulders and Tide (Mom).

Take that man and play hardcore dominatrix one night and I guarantee he will drop that crap, love it immensely, or he will drop you and tell everyone you are nuts. Funny how when you go extremist it is more readily recognized but the subtle nuances of sociopathic disorders are ignored, such as this freak's email. Get a tazer gun - I saw that on Crossing Jordan the other night. I assume he likes to be spanked, bet he would give that up if you twisted it around and started picking off inspection man's butt hairs with your tweezerman.

November 11, 2004 at 11:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is way to crazy to be the first Crazy Email From Men. I have 2 emails that may qualify, but the standard has been set too high. I'm too intimidated to post them. They are downright mild next to this one, even though I thought they were completely crazy when I first received them.

November 14, 2004 at 6:08 PM  

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